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Polish users of esport

Polish users of esport

Esport is a dynamically growing sector, both in Poland and worldwide. So far, many brands did not engage in this area, primarily due to little information available on the market. Our report is the first comprehensive study of esport fans and their consumer behaviours. This makes it a useful source of information for marketers who are not sure about the marketing potential of this sector, as well as those who already made their first steps towards esport.

Range of topics

  • Demographic profile of the esport fan
  • Lifestyle
  • Esport viewing and usage
  • Sponsoring and brands
  • Spending

Report availability

Report is published once a year, in May.

Methodology and sample

CAWI quantitative study, conducted on a targeted sample of N=1039 people, aged 13-50, who viewed a transmission from an esport event during the last 6 months, or participated in such an event in person.

Contact to researcher

Adam Ciołek

Phone: 22 584 85 21

Business contact

Piotr Czyżewski

Phone: 22 584 85 08, 605 373 363

ARC Rynek i Opinia in numbers

Almost 30 years

350 000 individuals
surveyed annually

65 000 registered
online panel participants (ePanel.pl)