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Meals on the route

Meals on the route

What do drivers and their passengers eat when travelling by car? And what would they like to eat? Does that depend on the journey’s length, type of travel or other factors? This report contains answers to these and many other questions. Study results are valuable guidance for restaurant and petrol station owners.

Range of topics

  • Segmentation of drivers
  • Eating habits on the route
  • Image of places serving food on the route
  • Preferences and expectations

Report availability

Report is published once a year, in December.

Methodology and sample

CAWI quantitative study, conducted on a total sample of approx. 1000 drivers, who last year made at least 3 car trips of at least 150 kms, and bought a meal or snack(s) during at least one of the trips.

Contact to researcher

Sylwia Miszczyk

Phone: 22 584 85 03


ARC Rynek i Opinia in numbers

Almost 30 years

350 000 individuals
surveyed annually

65 000 registered
online panel participants (ePanel.pl)