+48 22 584 85 00 office@arc.com.pl

Promotion Monitor

Promotion Monitor

Consumers love promotions, but some of them they love more, while moving away from others. Which types of promotions work best for which industry, and what benefits make clients most satisfied? The reports answers these and other questions. They are vital for all product and service providers, irrespective of the sector. You are not sure what promotion will be best for your clients? Order our report!

Range of topics

  • Knowledge and use of promotions
  • Consumers’ experience
  • Respondents’ sentiment towards sale promotions
  • Preferences in regard to various types of contests and promotional lotteries
  • Promotional activities of shopping malls
  • Promotional activities at petrol stations
  • Characteristics of the particular promotion types

Report availability

Report is published once a year, in September.

Methodology and sample

CAWI quantitative study, conducted on a total sample of approx. 1000 people, who used at least one promotion during the last 12 months.

Contact to Researcher

Natalia Sieroń

Phone: 22 584 85 24


Contact to Key Account Manager

Marcin Powiłański

Phone: 22 584 85 14, 602 492 205

ARC Rynek i Opinia in numbers

Almost 30 years

350 000 individuals
surveyed annually

65 000 registered
online panel participants (ePanel.pl)